Reading is greatly encouraged and promoted at Ruben Hinojosa Elementary. Certain rules are stressed when checking out books from the library. These policies will assist in instilling good habits and responsibilities that will last a lifetime.
Checking out library books is a privilege. Books are loaned for a period of two weeks and may be renewed for an additional two week period if needed.
Damaged or missing books must be returned or paid before additional books are checked out. If the book is found then a refund will be issued. This rule helps to maintain the library collection for all current and future patrons of Ruben Hinojosa Elementary Library. This applies to students, parents and staff.
Students have access to the library once every two weeks with their class and may come to the library on a individual basis as time permits.
Pre-K does not check out books.
Kinder students may check out two books.
Students in 1st-6th grades may check out three books.
If you have any questions regarding the school library policy, please feel free to contact the library at 584-4990.